It’s that time, kids

Show Updates

It’s been a shade over a year from the last time we updated you, and that update was about a possible reboot of the Radio X show.

The stars never did align for John, Whitters, and Christie to bring back from the dead the greatest show nobody cared about.

There are so many people we could thank for all the time you’ve given us in the past, but they moved on and now are probably latching their children to their teets, trying to decide if they should take out a second mortgage, or hanging out at unemployment because they were fired for being a douchebag.

Like the Undertaker, most 80s TV shows, or Sylvester Stallone’s career, there’s always a chance that we can rise from the dead and return to prominence.

There’s also a chance that President Trump will not be impeached.

Let’s play it by ear.

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